Sandbox DREX (Real Digital) on HyperLedger BESU
Test the same Technology used in the Drex project (Real Digital)!
Real Digital Sandbox (Drex) on HyperLedger BESU
BBChain has launched the BBChain Sandbox on HyperLedger BESU that allows companies to experience the same technology used in the Drex project (Real Digital). Find out how your financial institution and/or company can benefit from this technology.
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If you are a financial institution or participant in the Brazilian payments ecosystem looking for efficient and innovative solutions for your Blockchain transactions, we have news for you!
BBChain, a blockchain technology startup focused on the enterprise market, has launched the BBChain Sandbox on HyperLedger BESU . The platform allows companies to experience the same technology used in the Drex project (official name of Real Digital), the Brazilian digital currency.
Platform Benefits
Security and privacy guaranteed in wallet/wallet management and transactions.
Use CBDC - Real Digital for your Interbank transactions. Load balance to your wallet simulating STR.
Convert your customers' Deposit into Tokenized Real in a simple and automated way directly on the Blockchain.
Tokenization of Tokenized Federal Public Securities ready for your transactions.
Let's together develop your use case and use Real Digital Sandbox in HyperLedger BESU by BBChain to implement it.
See what our customers are saying
"Pitang é uma grande parceira e cliente da BBchain. Nos sentimos privilegiados em trabalhar com eles e construir juntos a internet de valor.”

"Redução nos custos e no tempo de integração da solução da rede Corda em nossa plataforma eXmarket,o que nos permitiu cumprir etapas fundamentais de nossa esteira de desenvolvimento do nosso produto"

“Através do conceito do Blockchain como Serviço é possível contar com a expertise de diversos especialistas na construção da solução que atenda as necessidades do negócio, com suporte especializado e um preço justo onde pagamos apenas pelo que utilizamos.”

Manage your customers' keys and have your own and your customers' portfolios segregated in a single location. Work securely and privately on all your portfolio management and transaction governance.
- Key management for customers in a single place, without the need for third-party integrations;
- Security and privacy guaranteed in wallet/wallet management and transactions.
- Native and integrated solution with KeyVault provided by Sandbox Real Digital in HyperLedger BESU by BBChain.

Drex (Real Digital) - CBDC for Interbank transactions
Use CBDC - Drex (Real Digital) for your Interbank transactions.
In the Drex Sandbox (Real Digital) on BBChain's BESU HyperLedger, you can simulate Central Bank integrations on STR (Interbank) exchanges, loading your wallet/wallet with Real Digital, the Central Bank's CBDC, and simulate interbank transactions with participants in your network. Segregate your CBDC reserve account (Bank Position) from client Positions in Tokenized Real.
- Use CBDC Drex for interbank transactions in Sandbox Drex (Real Digital) on HyperLedger BESU with BBChain;
- Load your wallet/wallet with the CBDC of the Central Bank to simulate integrations with the Central Bank in STR (Interbank) exchanges;
- Segregate the bank position's CBDC reserve account from client positions in Tokenized Real.
Real Tokenized - Convert your customers' Deposit into Real Tokenized
Use the Drex Sandbox (Real Digital) on BBChain's BESU HyperLedger and load Tokenized Real balances in your customers' wallets, allowing you to simulate the purchase and sale of TPFt (Tokenized Federal Public Securities). Each customer has a segregated custody of their own TPFt and Tokenized Real wallet. Issuance, Burning, Custody and trading transparently on the platform.
- Use BBChain's Drex (Real Digital) Sandbox for HyperLedger BESU.
- Load balances of Real Tokenized in the customer's wallet.
- Simulates the purchase and sale of TPFt (Tokenized Federal Public Securities).
- Each client has a segregated custody in his wallet.
- Provide transparent issuance, burning, custody and trading on the platform.

Asset Tokenization
Use CBDC - Real Digital for your Interbank transactions.
In the Drex (Real Digital) Sandbox on BBChain's BESU HyperLedger, you can simulate Central Bank integrations on STR (Interbank) exchanges, loading your wallet/wallet with Real Digital, the Central Bank's CBDC, and simulate interbank transactions with participants in your network. Segregate your CBDC reserve account (Bank Position) from client Positions in Tokenized Real.
- Use CBDC Real Digital for interbank transactions in Sandbox Real Digital on HyperLedger BESU with BBChain;
- Load your wallet/wallet with the CBDC of the Central Bank to simulate integrations with the Central Bank in STR (Interbank) exchanges;
- Segregate the bank position's CBDC reserve account from client positions in Tokenized Real. com o Banco Central nas trocas do STR (Interbancário);
- Segregue a conta reserva de CBDC da Posição Banco das posições clientes em Real Tokenizado.

TPFt: Tokenization of Tokenized Federal Public Securities
In the Drex Sandbox (Real Digital) on BBChain's HyperLedger BESU, you have tokenized Digital Assets, representing tokenized federal public securities or TPFts.
Custody is managed via KeyVault and segregated between clients;
Dual Command Negotiation;
Simulate negotiations between clients of your institution;
Transfer securities between different institutions.

Test the same Technology used in the Drex project (Real Digital)!
Got questions?
Talk to our team, we will clarify your doubts about Real Digital, Tokenization, Blockchain
What is CBDC
CBDC is a digital currency created by the Central Bank, a virtual version of a country's money
What is Real Digital
Real Tokenized and version of CBDC in Pilot of the Brazilian Government, it represents a Digital version of Real, official currency of the country.
What is Real Tokenized
The tokenized Real is a Digital representation of the Deposits made by customers with financial institutions. Real Tokenized is not a CBDC. But a representation of deposits with the Bank.
What is Digital Custody?
Digital Custody and custody of digital assets represented with financial agents. Digital assets effectively represent your deposits (deposited money) or your tokenized public securities.